/* Main Variables */ :root { --main-dark: black; --main-light: white; } /* Global Styles */ ::selection { background: var(--main-dark); color: var(--main-light); text-shadow: none; } img::selection, svg::selection { background: transparent; } /* Link color inherits from parent font color */ a { color: inherit; } /* Disable / enable clicking on an element and its children */ .no-click { pointer-events: none; } .can-click { pointer-events: auto; } /* Target any element with a certain "word" in the class name */ [class*="spacer"] { }

The Responsibility Of
Every Woman In Power Is
To Empower

The Responsibility Of
Every Woman In Power Is To

Carving Stairs into Stone invites women in executive leadership roles to share the struggles and successes of their career journeys and discuss how they’re now using their positions to fight adversity and drive meaningful change.

Moderated and co-created by Zerotrillion’s


Moderated by Zerotrillion's


Upcoming Panelists

Shalini Stansberry

Vice President Marketing

Kinder Snacking at Ferrero

Rebecca Kovalcik

Senior Creative Director

Happy Family Organics, Danone

Lee Piper

Global Creative Director


Shalini Stansberry

Vice President Marketing

Kinder Snacking at Ferrero

Rebecca Kovalcik

Senior Creative Director

Happy Family Organics, Danone

Lee Piper

Global Creative Director


All Episodes
All Panelists

Tennille Kopiasz

Marina Sukhova

Angelique Bellmer Krembs

Ashley Stallings